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Innisfail Infrastructure Report Card & 10 Yr Capital Plan

Town of Innisfail

Project Description

Tagish Engineering was engaged by the Town of Innisfail to complete a State of Infrastructure Report Card on the Town’s core civil infrastructure and utilize this information to develop their 10 Year Capital Infrastructure Plan. The following infrastructure was included in this project water, wastewater, stormwater, roads and pedestrian facilities.

Tagish prepared a State of Infrastructure report for the Town of Innisfail to assist with their asset management and capital plan development. A comprehensive review was completed on previously completed reports, condition assessments, as-built information, GIS data and infrastructure models. Tagish also completed a complete road network condition assessment to supplement the existing information. All this data was then compiled and analyzed to score each individual asset with a letter grade within each infrastructure category. Tagish developed the scoring system to grade the physical condition of infrastructure, so it aligned with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities format to allow for easier benchmarking. Based on current trends, Tagish also prepared infrastructure forecast performance models to project how the Town’s systems would preform in the future.

The State of Infrastructure Report provides a data supported understanding of the current level of service and where the Town’s infrastructure needs are. The 10 Year Capital Plan relied on this information to prepare a plan that aimed to maintain or improve the level of service. High risk areas were determined, and projects were identified that aimed to maximize budget efficiency by completing rehabilitation work on multiple infrastructure categories at a time. The outcome was a flexible and sustainable capital plan that addresses critical infrastructure in an equitable manner. 


Town of Innisfail




  • 68.3 km of roadways assessed

  • $31.64M 10-year capital plan developed


Tagish Engineering Ltd.  

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#104-230 Lake Street

Red Deer County AB

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