Project Description
The Hamlet of Benalto was experiencing growth. The existing water reservoir was coming to the end of its service life and did not have the required fire storage capacity to meet current codes of practice. A new 1800 m³ reservoir and distribution pump system was required to meet the community’s needs. Tagish Engineering provided consulting services to define the project scope and keep deliverables on time and within budget.
Preliminary analysis was conducted to ensure that storage and distribution systems were designed for present and future needs.
The project was a multi discipline project and Tagish was responsible for coordinating and managing all sub-consultants which included structural design, land agents, contract third party facility operator, deep and shallow utility coordination, geotechnical engineering, materials testing, and legal land surveying. Tagish was able to compile a very competent team that worked and communicated well throughout the project ensuring project success.
The new reservoir was constructed adjacent to the existing reservoir. The existing reservoir is the only facility for the Hamlet and therefore it was critical that it remained operational throughout the entire project.
Construction includes submerged 1800 m³ reservoir and pumphouse / distribution system.
Installation of underground water and sanitary installations required to connect the new reservoir to the existing distribution system
Mechanical, Instrumentation and Electrical Installations.
Access road and site grading.
Decommissioning of existing reservoir.
Red Deer County

1,800 cu.m. water reservoir